Stormville #2
May 16, 2020
Deanna L. Rowley
Suspenseful Seduction Publishing
Available in: e-Book

Neil’s Wish

As long as he could remember, Neil Saunders wanted to be accepted for who he was. With his community, his peers, and especially his family. When he realized he would never be accepted as he was, and not fitting into their mold of who he should be, he struck out on his own. After years of working dangerous and harrowing missions, Neil has finally settled into his life. The only thing missing was a woman to love and a family of his own to create, nurture, and love.

Susan Phillips was settled with her lot in life. Loving her teenage son, Connor, and all the joy she brings to her life, makes her almost, content. But something was missing. In a few years Connor would be leaving for college, leaving Susan entirely alone. She had her friends and her job, but she wanted more. She wanted a man in her life to love and accept her for who she was. Someone who would also accept and love Connor as their own.

After answering a dangerous call from Susan, Neil realized she was the woman for him. Using his influence and power as a police officer, Neil will stop at nothing to keep Susan and Connor safe. Will it be enough when both of their pasts interfere with their budding relationship? Can he save the woman and boy he claims as his own safe from the evil that lurks?

**Neil’s Wish is part of Samantha A. Cole’s Suspenseful Seduction World.

Other Books in Stormville Series